National investment plan

Pursuant to the Decree on Temporary Financing of the Republic of Serbia for the Period January-March 2007 (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No. 115/2006) and the Decision of the Administrative Board No. 47 dated November 24, 2006, the Export Credit and Insurance Agency of the Republic of Serbia, j.s.c. (AOFI) announces

for Export Financing

AOFI shall grant short term dinar loans for a 12-month period to the exporters – domestic legal entities and entrepreneurs fulfilling the following conditions:

General Mandatory Requirements

– Possession of a contract on foreign trade deal with a foreign buyer;
– Export in the value of not less than EUR300,000.00 realized in the past year or other adequate proportional amount realized in the current year up to the moment of application submission and the possession of the export deal contract in the value of not less than EUR300,000.00 in the current year;
– Positive net result of the business operations in the foregoing year;
– Participation of goods of domestic origin of not less than 51% in the value of goods which is the subject matter of export and financing.

Special Mandatory Requirements

– Positive evaluation of the Borrowers financial standing;
– Positive evaluation of the export project profitability;
– Positive evaluation of the quality – safety of the security means in accord with Articles 17-19 of the Agency’s Rules of Operation.

Deadline for submission of loan applications is March 15, 2007.
For additional information please call at 011/2205-750.

Export Credit and Insurance Agency of the Republic of Serbia, j.s.c.
Bulevar AVNOJ-a 121, 11070 Novi Beograd
Fax: 011/311 80 16