Secure your claims and operate risk-free with our insurance solutions.
Ensure the success of your business ventures through our various guarantee services.
Provide working capital financing through our short-term lending services tailored to the needs of exporters.
Improve your liquidity and ensure fast collection of receivables through our exporter-friendly factoring services.
A guide to measures to support the development of the innovative economy.

AOFI is a key partner for Serbian exporters, offering comprehensive support through financial and insurance services. Our goal is to enable safer and more competitive business on the international market, with quick implementation and favorable conditions.
Complete support in one place
Fast implementation
Security in the international market
Competitiveness and growth
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Serbian-Italian business forum at which Dejan Vukotić, CEO, AOFI spoke in the...
A decade of entrepreneurship
In March 2015, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Strategy for supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurship and competitiveness for the period from 2015 to 2020.
Through the Year of Entrepreneurship program, financial and non-financial support for this sector was combined in 2016.
During 2017, the Program grew into the Decade of Entrepreneurship, whereby the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Economy continue to systematically support the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs, which make up 99.80% of the Serbian economy and employ 67% of Serbian workers.
AOFI, as the export credit agency of the Republic of Serbia, actively participates in the Decade of Entrepreneurship program, providing financial support to the most important segment of the Serbian economy. You can read more about the decade of entrepreneurship here.